AutoPower - online trgovina za autodijelovi, kamiona i motocikala
AutoPower Auto Dijelovi - online trgovina - amortizeri, kvačila, nosači motora, diskovi, kočione pločice, filteri, kugle, krajevi upravljača, gumice, remeni i još mnogo toga.
Online trgovina AutoPower je moderna, inovativna platforma za rezervne dijelove za automobile, kamione i motocikle. Naša glavna djelatnost je uvoz i distribucija dijelova za sve marke automobila. Na našoj web stranici možete pronaći preko 300 kategorija dijelova za vaš automobil od svjetski poznatih proizvođača. Imamo preko 800.000 proizvoda koji se mogu isporučiti u roku od nekoliko radnih dana. Naš odjel za prodaju sastoji se od mladih kvalificiranih stručnjaka koji imaju licencirane kataloge za odabir dijelova po šasiji (VIN broj). Naš katalog za auto dijelove lako je organiziran s izuzetno jednostavnim i brzim slijedom. Brzo i jednostavno možete pronaći dio za svoj automobil odabirom kategorije, marke, modela i motora.
Dostupnost AutoPower se ažurira svakodnevno, i svaki dan možete pronaći nove proizvode po pristupačnim niskim cijenama. Svaka narudžba se obrađuje od strane našeg zaposlenika, koji potvrđuje dostupnost svakog naručenog proizvoda. Nakon što se provjeri, kontaktirat će vas kako biste precizirali dan isporuke na naznačenu adresu. U slučaju da naručeni proizvod nije dostupan, budući da je naša zaliha dinamična i mijenja se svakih nekoliko minuta, možemo ponuditi brzu dostavu iz inozemstva u roku od nekoliko dana ili alternativu od drugog proizvođača po sličnoj cijeni. Ako niste suglasni s dužim vremenom isporuke ili drugim našim proizvodom, imate pravo otkazati narudžbu. Svaka narudžba se dostavlja kurirskom tvrtkom, do njihovog ureda ili naznačene adrese, uz opis kupljenih dobara. Svaki od naših proizvoda može se vratiti ili zamijeniti u roku od 14 dana. Dijelovi ne smiju biti instalirani i moraju zadržati svoj komercijalni izgled. U slučaju nepoštivanja uvjeta, nedostatka ambalaže ili instalacije, AutoPower zadržava pravo da ne prihvati vraćene proizvode.
Kako odabrati pravog proizvođača dijelova za vaš automobil?
Sigurno, nakon što odaberete svoj automobil i uđete u kategoriju dijela koji tražite, pitate se koji proizvođač odabrati. Sada ćemo dati kratki opis kako odabrati pravi proizvod za svoj automobil.
Danas mnogi kažu da cijena ne određuje kvalitetu, ali to nije istina!
- Brake System - If you are looking for brakes for your car, you can trust ATE. This manufacturer is used as original equipment by a large portion of car manufacturers. Yes, their parts are expensive, but if you want your car to stop when you press the brake, this is definitely your brand.
- Clutch - Everyone has heard of the brands LUK and SACHS. These are German manufacturers with uncompromising quality, and you can rely on them.
- Shock Absorbers - Nowadays, there are many shock absorber manufacturers, but for the Bulgarian market, the only ones offering a 2-year warranty are Sachs, Bilstein, Kayaba, and Monroe.
- Suspension Parts - Due to our roads, we often have to replace parts such as mounts, ball joints, bushings, tie rod ends, and others. In this market with a plethora of options at various prices, if you want something of quality and reliability that won't need replacement after two months, you can choose Lemforder or TRW.
- Belts and Rollers - Many customers don't know how to choose belts and rollers for their cars. Our recommendation to you is not to compromise when changing your timing belt. If you buy cheap products with an unknown origin, you risk causing yourself significant headaches! Manufacturers you can trust for these parts are CONTITECH, GATES, SKF, INA.
- Gaskets and Seals - Many cars have oil leaks caused by worn-out gaskets. The choice is easy here; you can trust the German gaskets Elring and Victor Reinz.
- Cooling System - This category includes parts such as the radiator, thermostat, hoses, water pumps, and many others. The cooling liquid passes through them to cool your engine. We offer a vast variety of options at different prices and qualities. You can choose Nissens, NRF, Hepu, and many others.
- Air Conditioning System - If every year you wonder why you have to recharge your air conditioner, it's probably because you have a refrigerant leak in your A/C system. The most common cause is rocks causing holes in the A/C radiator since it is located at the front of the car. To avoid this, you need to diagnose which part is damaged and replace it. You can find quality A/C parts from the brands Denso, Hella, and Valeo.
- Filters - Everyone thinks that car filters are just plain paper, but that's not true! The highest quality filters come from the following brands: Bosch, Mann-Filter, Mahle, Knecht, and Filtron.
- Electrical System and Sensors - If you could imagine how many sensors a car has, you probably wouldn't believe it. Almost every car has a lambda sensor, airflow meter, fuel pressure sensor, and many others. Reliable manufacturers in this category are the brands Pierburg, VDO (Siemens), and Vemo.
- Ignition System - Uncompromising quality can be obtained from the brands BERU, BOSCH, NGK, and DENSO.
- Battery - Has it ever happened to you that you bought a battery that needs replacement after a year of use? With a 2-year warranty from the brands BOSCH, VARTA, EXIDE, and BANNER, this won't happen again.
- Wipers - Nowadays, many new cars come with specific attachments for wipers. If you don't want to waste time with universal wipers with attachments, you can buy original wipers from BOSCH, VALEO, or SWF.
- Body Parts - Unfortunately, due to accidents, we sometimes have to replace broken or deformed body parts of our cars. Questions arise about where the parts are manufactured, whether the plastic is soft and elastic, and many others. In the entire European market, all body parts are produced in Taiwan, but this doesn't mean they are not of high quality. These products are manufactured for the European market and have very high production quality. You can choose quality products from the brands BLIC, VAN WEZEL, DEPO, and TYC.
Our mission is to provide you with a modern platform for easy and fast online shopping for car parts, allowing you to choose the right parts for your car. If you are unsure and cannot decide which is the exact and correct part for your car, you can always contact us by phone or through online chat during working hours.
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